06 Mathematics Mathematics Exam 1 Paper Based 6Th Grade Regular Topic I Assessment Mathematics 201
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Early Childhood Education Inequality Outline For...
Hannah Caldwell October 29th, 2016 Professor Gaines Oral Communication Heading Title: Formal Outline for Persuasive Speech Topic: Early Childhood Education Inequality Specific Purpose: Persuasive Speech for Education Inequality Introduction Attention Material: Did you know â€Å"children in extreme poverty are half as likely to graduate from high school?†This is one shocking statistic from Teach for America among many that show how poverty is related to education inequality. According to WKNO front line, â€Å"The average dropout can expect to earn an annual income of $20,241, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That’s a full $10,386 less than the typical high school graduate, and $36,424 less than someone with a bachelor’s degree.†So just looking at those numbers alone, it is obvious how poverty and education relate and it is obvious we need to do something to keep these kids in school and make sure they are getting the best education available to reduce their likelihood of being in poverty. Thesis: These statistics can be changed with time, and we can help these children to beat the odds and overcome education inequality. Preview: These points that I am going to provide will helpfully help you to see what I see when looking at education inequality, its relation to poverty and what we can do about it. (First, we will talk about why this is so important.) Body I. Academic success has proven to have a direct correlation to poverty. A. 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